Tomolonis Financial LLC offers Financial Planning and Investment Management Services for Hudson and Ocean Counties in New Jersey.

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Bah Humbug

Over the Christmas break the family and I had the opportunity to see a production of “ A Merry Little Christmas Carol” at the Miles Square Theater in Hoboken, NJ.  Although I have seen and read versions of the Charles Dickens classic before, this particular show was heartfelt and memorable.  Ebinizer Scrooge's character was particularly riveting and cut to the core as he proclaimed a deep life message for all.  

"I will honor Christmas in my heart, and try to keep it all the year. I will live in the Past, the Present, and the Future. The Spirits of all Three shall strive within me. I will not shut out the lessons that they teach. Oh, tell me I may sponge away the writing on this stone!” - Ebenezer Scrooge

On Christmas Eve, Scrooge is visited by 3 spirits, the Ghosts of Christmas Past, Christmas Present and Christmas Yet to Come. Each ghost has a different message for Scrooge about how his greed and indifference have affected himself and others. Once Scrooge had a richer and deeper understanding of the past present and future, his perspective on life changes. As he is given a glimpse of his fate, Scrooge suddenly discovers his true purpose and meaning of life.

Shouldn’t we all do that?

Ok, visiting 3 ghosts may seem unrealistic, but getting results like Scrooge may be possible if you ask the right questions.

If you actually knew your fate, would you change your current lifestyle? If you knew you had exactly 20 years of life left, what would you do differently? If the doctor said you only had weeks to live, what would you do, who would you spend it with? By answering these questions, you can unfold your deepest core values and strongest potentials. The realizations that evolve from such an exploratory exercise can lay the framework for your financial plan, your life plan. Once you have an understanding of what is truly important to you, suddenly all of the indecisive issues and difficult questions, have simple solutions. You stop wasting your time. You're suddenly able to focus. Your life vision and path become abundantly clear. How you approach and handle life circumstances and obstacles changes. You emerge victorious, happy, fulfilled!

Each of us has a reason for living. We all have aspirations, dreams, and a desire to be impactful in some way. A financial planner can help guide the conversation and ultimately help you figure out what is important to you. We’re like the ghosts, only real. Once we can pinpoint your true values and goals, we have a foundation for your financial plan. It is then our job to help you utilize your resources in a way so that you can start living your dream life today or as soon as possible.

When Scrooge wakes up on Christmas morning, he has the opportunity to make amends, ultimately redeeming himself. So do you!